
Phx Office2

15610 N 35th Ave, Suite 11
Phoenix Arizona 85053

The Phoenix office is on 35th Ave and Greenway Blvd. This office is assigned to serve the Phoenix and Glendale areas which consists of three residential programs and the Phoenix Home and Community services program.

Home & Community-Based Services 

​We offer a full range of HCBS services, enabling parents to become providers for their loved ones or supporting those with a passion for caregiving to work with children or adults in a family home setting.

As contracted with the state of Arizona, we are required to use Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) to align with federal mandates for paperless documentation and fraud prevention. Embrace Life utilizes Direct Care Innovation for EVV purposes. Please note that live-in caregivers/DCWs are exempt from using EVV.

HCBS Coordinator

Phoenix HCBS Coordinator position is currently open. If you're interested in this opportunity, please apply on the management career page.

The HCBS Coordinator plays a vital role in ensuring that providers submit monthly data and participate in PCSP meetings as requested by the parents of members we support. The coordinator is responsible for ensuring that hours are accurately entered into the system for payment processing.

To maintain the member's eligibility for continuous services, your HCBS coordinator are responsible to turn in the monthly summary report to member's assigned DD case manager. HCBS coordinator will make sure the assigned provider must turn in the monthly HCBS data. The missing reports may impact a member's eligibility for DD services, such as monthly attendant sheets (if providing ATC) and habilitation goal data tracking. Failure to provide minimal monthly support documentation may jeopardize a member's continued receiving DD services.

HCBS Services

If you're looking for HCBS services, please review the information below and complete the appropriate form. This will help us provide you with the most accurate information and streamline the onboarding process.

I need a provider

Please complete this form to provide details about your needs, including scheduling, activities, behavior management, and medication management. This information will help us match you with a suitable provider from our network, or we will begin to search the candidate.

I will bring my own provider

Please complete this form to ensure that the agency tracks your application within our system. Once your application is received, our network manager will notify the assigned administrative assistant to expedite your onboarding process.

Intake Process 

Intake Process for Members Embrace Life has an electronic intake process. The guardian will need to fill out our intake and pre-orientation forms online to initiate the onboarding process. Upon completion of the forms, your assigned HCBS coordinator will receive a copy and will reach out to you. The HCBS coordinator will also contact the assigned support coordinator to obtain the required authorizations prior to services starting.

The forms can be accessed at this link.

HCBS Intake (Coming soon)

Career Opportunities

We have several career opportunities within the Phoenix area.

Your application will be submitted to our assigned administrative assistant. You will then be contacted for a phone interview prior to onboarding.

West Valley Direct Care Worker Career Page

If you are only interested in a career with HCBS as a provider or as a parent/family/friend provider, you can complete the HCBS application below. The application will be sent to the Network Supervisor and then assigned to the HCBS Coordinator for processing.

HCBS Direct Care Worker 


​Embrace Life Services offer HBCS workers training opportunities at our Phoenix office at no charge upon new hires or renewal training. These trainings will take place at our Phoenix office within the specified timeframe.

Our comprehensive program includes:
Day One Welcome Training
In person with an assigned Administrative Assistant and HCBS Coordinator, paid online training. This will take up to four hours of training.

Quarterly HCBS DCW Online Meetings

These meetings provide updates on upcoming holidays, vacation requests, agency/government news, and changes to I/DD rules.

To learn more about our Training Program

Program Services

Embrace Life offers a variety of services in the Phoenix. Please view our services for more information.

Program Services